Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Final Screenshot

This is a screenshot of how the final animation will look, everythings rigged and finished.
Now comes the fun animating bit!
More updates soon....

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Hex: The Legend Of The Chained Oak

Well to the people who have ever visited Alton Towers and have ever gone onto the ride, Hex, will know all about the Chained Oak. But the people who live in the Staffordshire area will no doubt be aware of the fact that there is a film been made about it, by Dean 'Midas' Maynard, a well known psychic investigator.
Now as I live very close by to the chained oak, and have visited it numorous times as you can see:

It is an impressive sight, although lately looking a bit worse for the wear. Anyway, I decided to contact him and see if he wanted any help with the film, and funnily enough he got back in contact and will phone me soon. I sent him a link of a short little piece, which could be used for the titles at the start of the film. It is a little boring at the moment, but just imagine with music, special effects and the actors names over it. Could look quite good!

For more information about Dean and the film, here's the link:


Wednesday, 10 March 2010

The Man

He's the man

I promised you the man, and here he is;

You may notice the similarites between him and the author, Poe;

I think that his face is so tragic and sad looking, it will capture the look and feel that I hope to bring in my film.
I put my character in a dressing gown, so he will be lazily reading a book at midnight. The character is rigged and assembled completely, so I can move his head and arms, and they will move realistically to that of a human skeleton.
I have made a total of 6 views;
Front Side Right,
Front Side Left,
Back Side Right,
Back Side Left.

I may change small things, such as add more detail and such, but im trying to follow the user guide for Animate, which isn't the most easy of tools. Ah well.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Paintings Part 2

Here's two more paintings, I've done quite a few now, I wont put them all up, but the main character, the man, will be up and running shortly! :]

Monday, 1 March 2010


I've decided to paint each of the props for my film, things include; Fireplace, Table, Chair etc.
Then i'll worry about the backgrounds and the characters later on!
As good ol' Blue Peter would say: Here's one I made earlier;

After I play around with them in Photoshop; cut them out, fix all the errors and add colour and shadow. They will be ready to use within my animation.